Take action for the ocean today, so we can all thrive

Our ocean nourishes us, inspires us, and — as our first line of defence against climate change — protects us.

We need the ocean, but the ocean needs us, too. Overfishing and pollution have resulted in the destruction of marine habitats. With your help, we can rebuild a resilient and vibrant ocean in the next decade!

You might be thinking, can I really make a difference here? The answer is yes! You can "be ocean wise" and make positive change happen for our ocean by doing just a few small things, like:

  • Buying sustainable seafood
  • Cleaning up a local shoreline
  • Reducing your plastic footprint
  • Donating to plant a sea forest
  • Speaking up for the ocean

The time to protect and restore the ocean is now. Be part of something bigger and join Ocean Wise today. Together, we can take positive action for ocean health and the good of our planet.
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