250 Dogs Saved by White County Sheriffs

  • av: ASPCA
  • mottagare: White County Sheriff's Department
The White County Sheriff's Department in Tennessee recently rescued more than 250 dogs from a local puppy mill.

The dogs are small breeds, most under 20 pounds. They were found to be suffering from malnourishment, dehydration, lack of proper ventilation, feces encrusted pens and medical conditions such as matting, sores, mange, poor teeth, abscesses and more.

Officials from the ASPCA were on hand to help the troubled dogs, and their Mobile Animal Crime Scene Investigation Unit was there to help collect forensic evidence against the puppy mill.

The rescued dogs are now safely housed in an emergency shelter.
Please send a thank you to the hard-working law enforcement officers of White County. It was their diligence and cooperation with organizations like ASPCA that led to the rescue of these innocent dogs. Thank you White County Sheriffs!
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