If you lived in a country where your dog could contract rabies, what would you do? Do you vaccinate or do you kill? This might seem like an absurd question but for dogs around the world the threat of rabies means death… and it's happening on a mass scale. By the time you have read this sentence, one dog has been killed.
Dragged through streets, electrocuted, poisoned or even gassed, every minute, around the world, some 20 dogs are needlessly killed because of preventable problems. That's up to 28,800 dogs per day! But it doesn't have to be this way - a single vaccination could save their lives.
Overpopulation and fear of rabies are at the heart of this cruel and unnecessary slaughter. That's why World Animal Protection supports mass vaccination programs, which are the only way to effectively stop the spread of rabies, and promotes humane steps to address overpopulation.
From Sierra Leone to Romania to Bangladesh, we've influenced governments and educated communities to support legislation for dog registrations, vaccinations, sterilizations, and re-homing – and by 2020 we hope to impact the lives of 50 million dogs across the world. But we can't do it alone. We need your voice by our side.
If you believe every dog deserves the vaccination that could save its life, sign our pledge and join the movement towards a better world for dogs today. Your voice can help us urge governments and decision makers to adopt a mass vaccination policy.
Please don't wait another minute. By the time you have read this petition, 20 dogs have been needlessly killed. Sign the pledge and join the movement towards a better world for dogs today.