put the real murderers to JUSTICE for the murder of a female elk and her two baby calves they "complain" that elk family disturb the urban areas and made up stories also aboout defenseless animals and plot against animals
This happens all along all the time
now it is date 7 december 2019 and it goes on
so now we all demand to government of Sweden that murderes in this case police in Lerum and the commune they called out hunters that they put down into Justice for MURDER (against defenseless elk-family a elk mother and her two baby calves)
They just make up a story about that creatures are for examle one ex "aggressive" but what is really aggressive is the aggressive traffic and aggressive urban areas aggressive exploitation aggressive murder against all creatures so it IS the total contrary
they put down animals de value them all the time and for greed and profit they use all kinds of derogatory descriptions to get away from their real cromes against the created animals (creatures) to gain, to greed, to profit
because it is an Extinction going on and it´s for real this all has a reason what they really do how they murder relentless of all kinds of creatures on earth
Be courageous there are som many of us all that don´t know what goes on that Law must be applicable for murder of animals Too
if someone drives wheels over a creature and they die all the time reckless senseless and hunting down animals murder them for greed for power and for being solely themselves (they do believe tahet they are the soles ones that have a right to habitating the planet these power senseless lunatics really think they have the rights do murder animals)
We demande that the real murderes are put to Justice
* for a murder in cold blood calculated against a defenseless elk family Now this occur recently in Lerum and small urban area and with gardens and probably the little family was out normally looking for food
we re all against that urban areas are for so called humans only and that animals have a habitat aswell
the plot against animals that goes is not based on thier rights of existence and habitat it´s based on made up stoiries by people within police and communes all over
this elk family was in garedns and try get possible down fallen fruits from season and thay are two baby calves and their elk mother
this f´goes on and by law they who murder relentlessy animals MUST be put to justice in thsi case now the police who did it in Lerum (outside Goteburg SWEden) so we petition regeringe.se the government of Sweden now
also the called out hunters that excuted a death penaly against these defensless elks without remorse and for have doing nothing
they make up stories about animals that they disturb etc but what goes om is that urnan areas all over disturb animals on the contrary that is and This will be put and end to (in name of Jesus) so animals can live and have their habitat get theor food not only urban areas that they developp all over (jsut an easy remind that the creationsaid there was loight yes and then there was a separation of water 8seas) from land the creation story and then came all kinds of created creatures first before Adam and Eve that is yes) so also evolution can fins these findings that fossils of eras and geological what gose om now is a spreading of allover planet and that ani,mals be persecutes and extincted and relentlessly hunted etc so this is an abomonation against creation and that they murder relentlessly for greed profit to have all areas for themselves is not godly it is unlawful worst kind of unlawfulnessput the real murderers to JUSTICE for the murder of a female elk and her two baby calves they "complain" that elk family disturb the urban areas and made up stories also aboout defenseless animals and plot against animals
We demande that the real murderes are put to Justice
* for a murder in cold blood calculated against a defenseless elk family Now this occur recently in Lerum and small urban area and with gardens and probably the little family was out normally looking for food
we re all against that urban areas are for so called humans only and that animals have a habitat aswell
the plot against animals that goes is not based on thier rights of existence and habitat it´s based on made up stoiries by people within police and communes all over
this elk family was in garedns and try get possible down fallen fruits from season and thay are two baby calves and their elk mother
this f´goes on and by law they who murder relentlessy animals MUST be put to justice in thsi case now the police who did it in Lerum (outside Goteburg SWEden) so we petition regeringe.se the government of Sweden now
also the called out hunters that excuted a death penaly against these defensless elks without remorse and for have doing nothing
they make up stories about animals that they disturb etc but what goes om is that urnan areas all over disturb animals on the contrary that is and This will be put and end to (in name of Jesus) so animals can live and have their habitat get theor food not only urban areas that they developp all over (jsut an easy remind that the creationsaid there was loight yes and then there was a separation of water 8seas) from land the creation story and then came all kinds of created creatures first before Adam and Eve that is yes) so also evolution can fins these findings that fossils of eras and geological what gose om now is a spreading of allover planet and that ani,mals be persecutes and extincted and relentlessly hunted etc so this is an abomonation against creation and that they murder relentlessly for greed profit to have all areas for themselves is not godly it is unlawful worst kind of unlawfulness
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