Lift Women Out of Poverty with the GROWTH Act

Women in poor communities are more likely to spend their income on food, education and health care for their children -- activities that help lift families out of poverty. However, they often face unequal barriers to participating actively in their countries' economies.

That's where U.S. aid programs can play a role. The GROWTH Act will help women lift themselves and their communities out of poverty by providing:

  • Loans to help women start and grow their own businesses.
  • Skills training for women.
  • Information about their legal rights in the workplace.
  • Stronger women's land and property rights so that assets can be used as collateral.

Tell your legislators to make economic opportunities for poor women around the world a priority! Countless women are eager for access to better employment opportunities and improved working conditions.

Dear [Decision Maker]:

I am writing to urge you to co-sponsor The Global Resources and Opportunities for Women to Thrive Act - H.R.2965 in the House and S.2069 in the Senate.

Women in poor communities are more likely to spend their income on food, education and health care for their children -- activities that help lift families out of poverty. However, they often face unequal barriers to participating actively in their countries' economies.

U.S. international assistance and trade programs should prioritize economic opportunities for poor women around the world, and allocate resources to promote women's ability to start and grow their own businesses.

[Your Comment]

Please co-sponsor The Global Resources and Opportunities for Women to Thrive Act. Countless women are eager for access to better employment opportunities and improved working conditions.

Thank you for your time and attention.
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