Tell Congress: Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

This is it: the most important vote to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will take place in September - and we need your signature today.

The showdown vote to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- America's greatest wildlife sanctuary -- will occur in both the House and Senate in mid-September. A provision to open the Refuge to drilling is expected to be buried in the massive Budget Reconciliation Bill.

Please sign this petition to your Senators and Representative today to urge a vote against the Budget Reconciliation bill! The stakes for the Arctic Refuge have never been higher.
Dear Senator/Representative,

This is it! The most important vote to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will be upon you in September!

As your constituent, I urge you to vote against the budget reconciliation package if it allows oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Demand a clean budget bill that doesn't include a sneak attack on our nation's most pristine wilderness!

Drilling in the Arctic Refuge is not a path to energy independence or lower prices at the pump. Meanwhile, the harm to wildlife and to our greatest wildlife refuge would be irreparable. We need to save national treasures like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for future generations.

[Your name]
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