Demand harsher mandatory sentences for Sex offenders victimizing children. "PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL PPEDATORS.! KEEP THEM IN JAIL WHERE THEY BELONG!"

On a daily basis we all see criminals that victimize innocent children in articles throughout the internet. The sentences that are handed out to these offenders are not harsh enough for the public to feel safe and gives the offenders chances to victimize children again. We need to put a stop to this now! We see men that physically rape and injure new born babies getting a sentence of a few years in prison. We have victimless crimes getting more time then these sexual predators that negatively impact their victims for the rest of their life. Here we demand a mandatory sentence to anyone that has any intentions of harming a child in a sexual way. We need to put fear in these sexual offenders otherwise these crimes will continue more often. For starters a mandatory 10 years to be handed out to anyone who has any intentions of sexualy harming a
child, followed by the charges itself. A life sentence would be a perfect way to keep these disgusting people away from ever harming a child again. The public should not have to worry so much about their own children being sexually assaulted by one of these predators. I'm concerned about this because a light sentence these offenders receive just give them another chance to victimize more children and try to get away with it. Let's not give them that chance. When they get out of jail will they reoffend? Statistics say that there is more of a chance they will then won't. We the people want to see these sex offenders locked up for a very long time so they cant victimize anyone again. We want parents to feel safe that our children won't be the victim in a sexual crime that will negatively effect our children's mentality for years to come, or even worse DEATH! If you agree and want to see a change support us and be part of the solution to help continue to make this country a safer place for you and our children. If your not part of the solution then your part of the problem! Zero tolerance to the people that harm children. Stand by us and Unite for our Children our future!

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