Demand that the City of Hamilton, Texas Stop Killing Animals Needlessly, Without A Chance To Be Adopted At It's City Animal Shelter. Shut Down This Shelter Of Horrors Now~!

  • av: Richard Hirai
  • mottagare: County Commissioners,The Mayor, City Manager, City Council and Animal Control of the City of Hamilton Texas

The City of Hamilton, Texas kills all dogs in shelters and say it's cruel to keep them. The last animal to be adopted from their animal shelter was back in July of this year. Animal control workers just euthanized all the animals in the shelter, it is assumed so that they wouldn't have to worry about them, (for convenience sake since the pound was not full), over the Christmas Holidays. They did this without at least trying to adopt the animal out first. No effort was made to even contact any of the local rescues. They just murdered the animals and washed their hands of it~ This shelter should be shutdown at once for total lack and disregard of the animals that were in their care. The animal shelter is not much of a shelter. It was until very recently thin tarps were wrapped around the kennels with the central aisle open to the outdoors, letting in the frigid winter air.There was and still is little protection for the dogs from the cold winter air. They have covered the area where any animals would be, in light gaged tin just recently. With regards as to any consideration for air flow, light, or ammonia build up, that is unknown. We can only hope that something has been done. Also, just recently the City has declared that the pound is now off limits to the public. It's apparent that the town cares as little for the animals residing in its boundaries as the city manager. A dog held at shelter had an owner who was saving money to get her dog out of the shelter. She was not notified that her dog was going to be killed. She was not informed -- she had no chance to save her dog's life by borrowing the "bail" money. This is no way to run a shelter.

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