Stop giving Trump special treatment. Put him in jail.

  • av: Left Action
  • mottagare: Trump judges and other relevant officials

Michael Steele is right -- put Trump's ass in jail:

Former Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Michael Steele said in an interview that former President Trump deserves to be jailed for his consistent attacks on judges and court officials, often in violation of court order.

"It's enormously dangerous," he said Saturday on MSNBC. "I'm just shocked that we've allowed this to get this far."

Steele suggested Trump, who is the GOP front-runner for president in 2024, was getting unfair treatment from those who are trying to appease him and his base and trying not to appear political.

"Put his ass in jail. That's how you end it. That's how it stops," Steele said. "Now, yeah, people will be mad, and they'll be upset. But there is no other person on this planet — and certainly not in this country — who would be given the kind of grace that Donald Trump has been given to run his mouth the way he has, attacking the clerks, attacking the judges, attacking the prosecutors, personally, threatening them."

Sign now, add your name, and demand that Trump be put in jail.

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