Stop Animal Testing In Laboratories!

  • av: Morgan Chew
  • mottagare: All Animal Testing labs, Animal Testing Labs/U.S. Govornment

On 10/18/06 The Catskill Game Farm Auctioned off most of their animals.  these animals may have been sold to private hunters, and animal testing laboratories.  Now, we are trying to stop all of the testing labs in the United states from doing cruel tests on animals.  They test many brands of makeup, cleaning supplies, and other products on these animals to make sure they won't kill you.  At first this may sound good to you.  you may be thinking 'Yay! I won't die!'  But the truth is, someone is going to die.  They unfortunatly are the poor animals being tested.

On 10/18/06 The Catskill Game Farm Auctioned off most of their animals.  these animals may have been sold to private hunters, and animal testing laboratories.  Now, we are trying to stop all of the testing labs in the United states from doing cruel tests on animals.  They test many brands of makeup, cleaning supplies, and other products on these animals to make sure they won't kill you.  At first this may sound good to you.  you may be thinking 'Yay! I won't die!'  But the truth is, someone is going to die.  They unfortunatly are the poor animals being tested.

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