Stand Up to Factory Farms

It's sad fact, but more than 10 billion animals are raised for food in the United States every year and many of them are treated inhumanely.
Animals are frequently confined in spaces so small they can't stretch their limbs, flap their wings or turn around. These unnatural practices compromise their immune systems, so to keep them alive they are pumped full of antibiotics, damaging the quality and safety of our food and our medicines.
Grocers need to know that their customers won't stand for the inhumane practices at factory farms. And when grocers know, you, their customers demand Certified Humane® foods, they will in turn require their suppliers (the farmers and growers) meet those standards.
You can take a stand against factory farms by buying Certified Humane® products. The Certified Humane® label on a product means: the animals are fed a healthy diet without antibiotics or hormones, cages and crates are prohibited and the animals have ample space for them to stretch their limbs, flap their wings and move around.
Pledge to buy Certified Humane® products. Can't find them at your local grocery store? Ask your grocer to start selling Certified Humane® foods.
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