2007 Animal Welfare Reform Initiatives

  • av: Edie Larson
  • mottagare: Bill Janis, Delegate, VA House of Representatives

The number of animals euthanized in shelters throughout the United States is INCREASING.  Comprehensive animal welfare reform is required.


In an effort to illuminate the desperate need for companion animal welfare reform, I am going to meet with my delegate to express my alarm at the INCREASING numbers of animals euthanized in shelters annually.  I am also going to present the 2007 animal welfare initiatives as outlined by the Virginia Voters for Animal Welfare, which will, if implemented, reduce these numbers.  It is clear that we will never be able to “rescue” out of this shameful situation, that real reform is required.  The future of the millions of companion animals in the United States that will enter the shelter system, that will be killed on our roadways, that will die alone and neglected, is everyone’s responsibility.  Please sign this petition and show your support for animal welfare reform:  end euthanization by gas chamber; mandatory spay/neuter with stiff fines for non-compliance; stricter regulations for breeders…Edie Larson, Maidens, VA 
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