This State is Protecting Child "Influencers" From Being Financially Exploited. More States Must Follow Suit!

Illinois has made history by being the first state to ensure children who make money as social media influencers or on social media content are compensated. If kids are going to be bringing in profit for the work they put into online content, they deserve to keep that money!

Sign now to tell the remaining U.S. states to follow in Illinois' footsteps!

Americans spend a lot of time on social media; by some measures, an average of two hours per day. And the influencers or creators that so many of us follow online are workers just like the rest of us – they produce content that is relatable, funny, or creative, and they deserve to be paid for that work. Unfortunately, as families realize the lucrative potential of posting online, some parents are encouraging their children to make and share more content on social media, or even including them in their "funny family" videos, but pocketing the profits.

This new bill would change all of that.

It is already the norm to require parents to set aside earnings for child entertainers who perform on TV or in film, but Illinois is the first state to target social media child performers specifically.

This is a victory for children's rights. Kids should not be profited off of, but should be compensated for the money they bring in from social media! Sign now if you agree!

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