PPI Florida Monkey Farm Should Be Shut Down Immediately

  • av: Sue Stanton
  • mottagare: County Commissioners of Hendry County, Florida

This facility imports and breeds primates destined for Research Labs. Workers denied this monkey veterinary care for her extremely painful injury, an exposed vertebra, for at least seven days, leaving her vulnerable to infection and even death.

Documentation shows the heartbreaking lives of thousands of monkeys and numerous issues ranging from violent handling, filthy living conditions, exposure to the elements and failing to provide veterinary care to denying seriously injured monkeys veterinary care and leaving those who were continuously bullied and attacked by cage mates to fend for themselves.

PPI came under fire for conducting procedures in violation of the zoning laws in the county, which are in place for agricultural purposes – among other procedures, problems included having vet techs perform C-section abortions to harvest baby monkey parts and their mothers’ milk, which legally they’re not allowed to do.

The County Commissioners of Hendry County need to shut the PPI facility down immediately. PPI was not not only in violation of the zoning laws but needs to be held accountable for the terrible abuse at their facility. 

This petition shows how much people care about what went on here in Hendry County and want to see justice done.

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