Farm Wineries Sound Ordinance - Non-residents

The wording of the current Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance with regard to outdoor amplified music at local farm wineries is subjective and open to abuse from those who would like to stop special events from happening at farm wineries in Albemarle County.  The ability of farm wineries to generate revenue through events, such as weddings, is important to the success and economic vitality of our farm wineries as well as a benefit to other Albemarle County businesses and the county as a whole.  Changing the ordinance to allow farm wineries to use outdoor amplified music that is subject to the same objective decibel standard applicable to all other uses in the rural areas of Albemarle County, will help ensure the survival of our local vineyards and protect them from the abuse of persons wishing to overlook the spirit in which the ordinance was written.  *There are 2 petitions- one for Albemarle county residents and one for non-residents, if you are an Albemarle county resident please sign this one instead:

I, the undersigned, am a frequent visitor to Albemarle County.  While I do not reside in the County, I spend significant time in Albemarle visiting its farm wineries.  I enjoy the people that own and staff the wineries, and the beautiful landscape and views that the county has to offer.

When I visit farm wineries in Albemarle County, I often also spend time and money visiting other businesses in the County, including restaurants, hotels and bed and breakfast establishments, as well as retail locations such as gas stations, antique, and other stores.  In addition, I visit other local growers and farmer's markets.  Each farm winery visit in Albemarle County gives me the opportunity to enjoy the unique rural character of the area, and gives me more reasons to return to the County and enjoy its local products and services.

I also enjoy attending planned events held at Albemarle farm wineries, such as weddings and other special occasions.  I believe that the ability of farm wineries to generate revenue through these events is important to the success and economic vitality of the farm wineries that I patronize.  I also believe that a substantial benefit of such events is an increase in customers and visibility for other Albemarle County businesses, benefiting the County as a whole. As part of those events, I consider it reasonable for farm wineries to have the ability to use outdoor amplified music that is subject to the same decibel standard applicable to all other uses in the rural areas of Albemarle County.

Therefore, I request that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County
follow the County staff recommendation by amending the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance with regard to outdoor amplified music at local farm wineries, so that the same 55/60 decibel standard applicable to other rural land uses, and enforced by County zoning staff, is applied equitably to local farm wineries.

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