Czech Wolfdog UK

  • av: Amie Lipley
  • mottagare: Amie Lipley, Sir/Madam, Friends of the Czech Wolfdog
The Petition For The Registration Of Czech Wolfdogs In The Uk
Welcome To the Czechslovakian Wolfdog Acception In The Uk Petition.
This beautiful breed was DISMISSED totally by the uk kennel club AFTER a litter had been bred here by Mr. Paul Winder and had been REGISTERED with them.
Why should you sign this petition, and why was this breed dismissed?
The Czech wolfdog was breed in 1955 by the crossing of a Carpatian Wolf and German shepherd.
These dogs have been bred with so many generations that the "wild" animal has been bred out. In the Uk this breed has only just reached us, but by this dismissal by DEFRA and the Kennel Club the goal of Uk Breeders has been snatched from us again. One kick after another has been issued to Paul after all his work with the breed, after the breeding female Lynx sadly left us this year after her puppies we must work for the breed in her memory.
Czech breeders UNITE!
Czech lovers UNITE!
save this magical breed in the UK, please help us by signing this online petition. This will be sent the the uk kc and copies to DEFRA. Please also help by linking to this petition, or using this image:
To get more information please visit:
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