Help us to protect the Iberian Imperial Eagle and Mediterranean Ecosystems

  • av: Ecologistas en Acción
  • mottagare: Jose Maria Barreda Fontes, President of the Castile-La Mancha Regional Government, Jose Maria Tofino Perez, President of the Toledo Provincial Government, and Emiliano Garcia-Page Sanchez, Mayor of Toledo.
Help Us to protect the Iberian Imperial Eagle and Mediterranean Ecosystems

Greetings, we kindly request that you help us defend the environment by signing this cyberaction and forwarding it to your contacts.

The Toledo Provincial Government and the Castile-La Mancha Government have begun construction on a massive landfill in Toledo, Spain. The project impacts an extensive natural area of grassland and Mediterranean woodland which is the habitat for several pairs of imperial eagles and Bonelli's eagles. The project jeopardises the significant progress made in the recovery of the imperial eagle's numbers.

Alternative locations were and are available for this giant landfill, but local governments have refused to consider them.

However, it's not too late! Please help us to stop this environmental disaster. We need your help to make those responsible for it aware of their bad judgment.  
Ecologistas en Accion has filed a lawsuit in the Spanish courts, but judicial authorities often take a long time to issue their rulings. We must take action now through other channels.  
Please sign and forward an active petition on this issue by clicking on the following link:

Thank you very much.
Dear Sir/Madam:

Groundbreaking on a new massive landfill and composting plant in Toledo is a first-rate attack on the environment, impacting one of the regions of Spain and Castile-La Mancha which has shown the best recovery in Iberian imperial eagle numbers and encroaching on the most prized woodland in the Toledo area. Five pairs of imperial eagles and two pairs of Bonelli's eagles, both endangered species, live within a 15-kilometre radius of the landfill. This underscores the area%u2019s environmental significance, which in large measure is the result of the effort and investment devoted to population recovery of Iberia's most emblematic raptor. 

The devastating and irreversible environmental damage caused by the construction of this project on the Dehesa Aceituno estate is as obvious as it is avoidable. The technical reports and arguments included in the legal filing attest to this. Moreover, a court ruling already determined that the choice of location lacked a proper assessment of alternative sites.
We appeal to your sense of responsibility in urging you to overrule a project that should never have reached this point. You would merely need to issue the pertinent orders to halt construction and allow a search to begin for a site that is more appropriate for a massive landfill.

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