No On Prop 8

Update: Unfortunately, Proposition 8 passed on election day. If you would like to sign the petition in protest of the initiative's passage, please feel free to do so.

Proposition 8 is an initiative on California's November ballot that if passed would take away the right to marry from the state's gay and lesbian couples. It jeopardizes the California Supreme Court's historic decision allowing gay men and lesbians to marry the person they love.
Unfortunately, the proposition's supporters are out-fundraising the opposition, which means that Prop 8's advocates can spend more on campaigning and advertising. Also, advance polling is expected to dramatically undercount those voting for Proposition 8, as people are afraid of appearing homophobic to those conducting the polls. With the election only weeks away, we need to do more to defeat Proposition 8. Pledge to vote No on Proposition 8, the California constitutional amendment taking away the rights of gay and lesbian couples to marry. Help spread the word to family and friends, and if it's within your means, please also consider making a donation to the No on Prop 8 campaign. Let's not discriminate against and strip away the rights of same-sex couples.
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