Utah – Protect Animals Statewide through Animal Cruelty Registry

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Utah State Legislators

There are numerous issues of animal abuse and cruelty throughout the state of Utah, warranting some strict regulations and penalties to protect defenseless animals.  Read more on the state’s animal cruelty issues at http://archive.sltrib.com/story.php?ref=/news/ci_7372558 & plus a list of their statutes in handling abuse at http://asci.uvm.edu/equine/law/cruelty/ut_cruel.htm & plus thoughts of protecting animals from abuse at http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=2634&catId=1

Some of the horrific animal cases included a pheasant high school mascot that was stomped on, a quarter horse found dead with a gunshot wound, a Pomeranian dog shot in front of its home and 3-year old child, nine crows shot with arrows by teens (just for fun), numbers of abused animals found at an animal “sanctuary” and a case where a poisoned chicken was fed to a dog that caused its demise.  These are just a few cases statewide and it is apparent that something must be done to prevent animal cruelty in Utah and protect the animals. 

In a continuing effort, I am working to ensure that all states in the USA implements and creates an animal cruelty registry as a tool in protecting animals and preventing further abuse.  Such a proposed registry or database would require that anyone who harms an animal in any manner be listed and remain on the database for a lifetime.  Everyone including children and teens should be aware that it is cruel and unjust to harm, neglect or abuse an animal to any extent and need to be held accountable. An animal cruelty registry would be such a tool in protecting animals.  Once an abuser is on the database, their information needs to be updated on a regular basis while they are also banned from any further pet ownership, caring for or working with any animals.  Such a database needs to be shared with any and all facilities in the animal field such as breeders, groomers, shelters, pet stores and more.

The effort in this petition is to encourage the State of Utah Legislators to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry as a step in protecting animal’s statewide, preventing continual animal abuse.  You can help in this effort by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own thoughts and comments.

Utah State Legislators – I strongly urge you to take some critical steps in protecting animals in your state and eventually nationwide by implementing and strictly enforcing an animal cruelty registry.  Such a proposed registry or database would require that anyone who harms an animal in any manner be listed and remain on the database for a lifetime.  Everyone including children and teens should be aware that it is cruel and unjust to harm, neglect or abuse an animal to any extent and need to be held accountable. An animal cruelty registry would be such a tool in protecting animals.  Once an abuser is on the database, their information needs to be updated on a regular basis while they are also banned from any further pet ownership, caring for or working with any animals.  Such a database needs to be shared with any and all facilities in the animal field such as breeders, groomers, shelters, pet stores and more. Speak out in protecting of animals and implement this database ASAP.

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