Block Bolton's Re-nomination as U.N. Ambassador!

John R. Bolton's appointment as United Nations Ambassador is coming to an end, and over the next few weeks, the Senate will be considering his re-nomination!

We believe in the importance of a stronger, more effective U.N. – one that the U.S. actively engages in, supports and utilizes. And our campaign last year to stop Bolton's nomination conveyed that message loud and clear because of supporters like you.

So when the Bush Administration couldn’t get a Senate vote on the Bolton nomination, President Bush was forced to appoint Bolton as our U.N. Ambassador using a constitutional loophole known as a "recess appointment.”

Together, we sent a clear message that we can do better than John Bolton.

It would be hard to do worse. Since arriving at the U.N. without widespread approval, Bolton has:
  • alienated our global allies;
  • undermined U.S. foreign policy;
  • missed countless opportunities to make the U.N. stronger and more effective;
  • consistently clashed with the Secretary of State, undermining the State Department's work; and
  • used heavy-handed tactics that have created anger and resentment towards the U.S.
Just this summer, he outrageously tried to hold the U.N. hostage by threatening a shutdown of the U.N!

It is time to tell the world that the U.S. needs the U.N. - and the U.N. needs the U.S.! By stopping this re-nomination, we will make way for a new Ambassador that will advance U.S. foreign policy, improve the U.N., and respect America's time-honored tradition of working with others to solve global problems.

Sign the petition before the Senate makes a tragic mistake!
Dear Senator [last name],

Last year, after John Bolton was nominated as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, we, at Citizens for Global Solutions, told the country that he was the wrong man at the wrong time, for the wrong job. And unfortunately for all of us, he has proven us right.

Thanks to President Bush’s recess appointment, Ambassador Bolton has not only alienated our allies with his “my way or the highway” attitude towards the U.N. which often times does not reflect U.S. policy, but his actions almost resulted in a U.N. shutdown this past June. He has refused to do the hard work of consensus-building and diplomacy that are needed to affect change, and has missed countless opportunities to make the U.N. stronger and more effective. In addition, envoys from all over the world – even close U.S. allies – say it’s impossible to work with Bolton.

[Your comment]

This year -- right now -- you have a chance to correct this terrible mistake. You have an opportunity to let the citizens of this country know, as well as countries from around the world to know, that we, as a nation, take our foreign policy seriously and that the U.S. is committed to retooling the United Nations so it can respond to the challenges of a new century. And that all starts with you.

Together, with the organization Citizens for Global Solutions, I am urging you to VOTE NO for Ambassador Bolton’s reappointment to the U.N.

Thank you.

[Your name]
[Your address]
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