Against The Act Of Horse Slaughter

This Is To Stop Horse Slaughter.. I Have A Speech E-mail If You Would Like TO Read It Please Sign I Would Really Appreciate It.
This Is A Poem I Wrote:
A Horse Once Loved

I used to be a happy horse
A family nice and true
My owner came and said to me
"You know, I really love you"

I was always hayed and fed
and before each night was done
she came a long and kissed my nose
and tucked me in for bed

The days and weeks went by
and less of her I saw
"I wonder where she went" I thought
"Why's she not here by my side?"

I was hungry, cold and weak
I hadn't been feed in days
all I could do was shiver and stare
and think and hope and pray

The weeks turned into months
my ribs showed through my skin
I was getting weaker by the second
Very thin

I am taking my last breath now
being looked out for by a dove
I now am a lifeless horse
A horse who once was loved.
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