Support Tough New Mercury and Air Toxics Standards

Every year, coal-fired power plants emit 386,000 tons of hazardous air pollution, including 72 percent of America's toxic mercury air emissions and 76 percent of America's acid gas emissions.

These pollutants pose very significant health threats to every American -- from brain damage in newborn infants to various forms of cancer to cardiovascular, dermal, respiratory, and immune systems damage.

But, EPA's new Mercury and Air Toxics Standards will for the first time cut these hazardous air emissions and save lives.

Please Take Action: Support EPA's tough new hazardous air pollution standards for coal-fired power plants today.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I strongly support the new Mercury and Air Toxics Standards rule that for the first time would limit mercury and other hazardous air pollution from America's power plants.

[Your comments will be added here]

Every year, coal-fired power plants emit 386,000 tons of hazardous air pollution, including 72% of America's toxic mercury air emissions and 76% of America's acid gas emissions.

These pollutants pose very significant health threats to every American -- from brain damage in newborn infants to various forms of cancer to cardiovascular, dermal, respiratory, and immune systems damage.

Put simply, the new standard will save lives and protect millions of Americans from preventable disease. And the economic benefits are likely to outweigh the costs by up to 13:1, resulting in total health and economic benefits of an estimated $140 billion annually.

We've waited more than 20 years for these strong new standards, and it's time we forced power plants to clean up their pollution that inflicts such tremendous damage on our health.

Thank you for setting a strong Mercury and Air Toxics Standards rule, which I fully support.
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