End Malnutrition in Guatemala

Malnutrition is an underlying cause in more than half of the 25,000 daily, preventable deaths of children and remains as one of the world's most serious health problems. And Guatemala faces some of the worst malnutrition in Central and Latin America.

Thankfully, UNICEF is leading the charge against hunger through an innovative solution called "sprinkles" -- small packets filled with necessary vitamins and minerals that are mixed into children's food.

Sprinkles are a simple yet extremely effective way of getting children the nutrients they need to survive and thrive.

UNICEF is there to make sure that all children get the proper nutrition they need to grow in to healthy and productive adults. Please support UNICEF in their goal of fighting malnutrition in Guatemala and elsewhere in the world.

I support the work of UNICEF in their efforts to fight malnutrition with "sprinkles" and make sure that all children get the proper nutrition they need to grow into healthy and productive adults.

Malnutrition plays a role in the majority of the deaths of children under the age of five. As food prices around the world continue to increase, the effects of malnourishment are compounded. Often times malnourished children are too weak to fight off illness, and they become physically and mentally stunted. Even if a child is fortunate enough to survive malnourishment, they are often trapped in a cycle of poverty.

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UNICEF is there to supply much-needed vitamins and minerals to the world's most severely malnourished children. For when children are well nourished, they can attend school and become a productive member of society.

Proper nutrition is needed to fight of disease and develop a healthy mind and body and UNICEF is committed to helping every child attain a healthy and promising future.

I support UNICEF in their efforts to support the health and well-being of children in developing countries around the world and save hundreds of thousand of lives.

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