City of Middleton: protect the safety and quality of life of the residents of Northlake and reject the Acker development proposal!

We, the undersigned residents of Northlake neighborhood in Middleton, WI, call on the City of Middleton to reject the proposed Acker proposal to build 9 single-family homes and 7 condos adjacent to the south end of Northlake.

To propose a physical extension of Northlake that would not actually be part of Northlake, with no alternate access other than via Redtail Pass in Northlake, on a very small parcel of land with a property density incongruent with Northlake, wedged between an established neighborhood and a business, in the Waunakee, not Middleton school district is not a common-sense use of this land and would come with significant safety concerns due to the increased traffic through Northlake. Additionally, reduction in permeable land could have an impact on the current drainage system that serves Northlake such that costs of improvements to the storm water system would fall on the community.

The proposed development threatens the quality of life of current and future Northlake residents, and is inconsistent with the standards the “good neighbor” City of Middleton aims to promote. We ask that the City of Middleton reject this proposal in favor of alternatives that would benefit the larger community instead of the profits of one developer.

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