Help Protect Pets from Domestic Violence

Daisy was a seven-month-old puppy when she was admitted to intensive care after being stabbed numerous times in her lungs and other vital organs. Daisy was a victim of domestic violence.

Seventy-one percent of pet-owning women entering women's shelters reported that their abuser had injured, maimed, killed, or threatened family pets for revenge or to psychologically control their victims. Unfortunately, many shelters do not have the means to house companion animals and many victims are left facing the difficult decision to either leave their pets behind or remain in the abusive environment.

At RedRover, we're working to make sure no one has to face this choice. By helping family violence shelters obtain the resources to house victims' pets, we're helping animals and their owners escape abuse together.

But we can't do this work without you. Help protect animals like Daisy from domestic violence by encouraging local shelters to take in abused animals as well as people.
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