Turn Back Congress's Assault on our Environment!

No one voted on Election Day to let big polluters destroy our national heritage, increase our dependence on dirty fossil fuels or create more climate chaos. But that's exactly what leaders of the new Congress are planning to do.

Their Big Polluter Agenda would:
* Open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling
* Force construction of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline
* Let fracking run rampant over our public lands
* Give power plants free rein to spew unlimited amounts of climate destroying pollution into our air

President Obama has the power to stop this attack. But he needs to hear from millions of us right now.

Tell President Obama to stop the Congressional onslaught on our environment by using his executive power now to tackle climate change, defend our natural heritage and save vulnerable wildlife. Urge him to act swiftly on these critical fronts and secure his environmental legacy while creating a more sustainable future for all Americans.
Dear President Obama,

Subject: Stop the Big Polluter Agenda

I am outraged that Congressional leaders are claiming a mandate to enact a radical, pro-polluter agenda that would fuel more catastrophic climate change, sacrifice our natural heritage to extractive industries and sabotage our nation's protection of endangered species. I call on you to respond swiftly with equal force and far-reaching action. Please use your executive power to:

* Direct your State Department to reject the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline
* Tackle climate change by delivering the toughest possible rules to slash carbon pollution from our nation's power plants
* Defend our natural heritage by imposing a fracking moratorium on all federal lands
* Direct your EPA to follow through on its proposal to stop the Pebble Mine as soon as possible
* Save vulnerable wildlife by protecting polar bears and other Arctic wildlife through a ban on oil development in the Arctic Ocean

Your resolute action on these critical fronts is imperative if we are going to stop the Congressional assault on our environment. In so doing, you will help secure your own environmental legacy while creating a more sustainable future for all Americans -- one in which our climate, our natural heritage and our wildlife are safeguarded, not sacrificed to polluters.

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