Protect Our National Forests

The Obama administration is developing sweeping new rules that will determine the fate of America's 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands for the 21st century. Across the country, these treasured lands provide vital protection for fish and wildlife, clean drinking water for millions of people and popular recreation destinations.

But threats from logging, energy development and climate change call for a management strategy that is based on sound science and incorporates strong safeguards for water and wildlife that can't be thwarted by special interests.

We need your help! This holiday season, President Obama has an opportunity to give Americans a gift that stands the test of time – protection for our national forests. Please sign our holiday card that asks the President to preserve this national forests legacy for current and future generations to enjoy.

Mr. President,

This holiday season, please give Americans a gift that stands the test of time.

Send us a National Forest management package that protects all creatures great and small.
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