The undersigned respectfully request that what was previously approved in that Parliament be put into practice, that bullfighting is not subsidized and that a strict and detailed control be carried out regarding how it uses the money received from PAC funds from the Union European.
The European Parliament has rejected on several occasions, the use of the PAC money that this country receives, to subsidize bullfighting, something that has not yet been fulfilled.
Being in the XXI century, it is not justified that for reasons of tradition. demonstrably sentient and soulful animals like all of us continue to be tortured.
Bullfighting is an aberration that denies first-world status to the entire European Union. by indirectly subsidizing this torture and murder of innocents, solely to the satisfaction of a few sadists who cling to archaic and uncivilized customs that violate the European Convention for the Protection of Animals on Livestock Farms.
Every day more people around the world and especially in civilized Europe declare themselves in favor of the defense of the rights of non-human animals and repudiate abuse in all its forms and places.
Bullfighting is violence wherever you look at it, it is not sport, it is not art, it is not culture if we take this as "Set of non-specialized knowledge and ideas acquired thanks to the development of intellectual faculties, through reading, study and work "and not only as tradition, as bullfighters take it to justify something that is sadism.
Bullfighting in any of its forms constitutes a shame for the European Union that advocates to eliminate the mistreatment of our companions passing through life.
We expect from people so civilized and in accordance with modern trends not to cause harm to the planet or its inhabitants, a positive attitude towards our request and we can all eradicate violence, especially if it is for the amusement of a few.
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