Victoria's Dirty Secret : Forest Destruction

Victoria's Secret, while priding itself on revealing clothing wear, is not so eager to reveal a most scandalous secret; the company annually mails 395 million catalogs printed predominately on virgin paper from North America's Boreal Forest as well as other endangered forests.

Their paper contract is up for renewal in June, so now is the time to pressure the company to stop sending more than one million catalogs made from ancient forests sent out daily!

North America's Boreal Forest encircling the far North latitudes acts like our planet's green guardian; it plays a vital role in keeping our air clean, slowing climate change, and it produces more freshwater than any other system in the world.

And yet, while it is one of the last of the great ancient forests still standing, it is still being logged, and fast. Over two acres of trees are plowed down every minute, many of which simply end up as catalogs in a landfill.

Sign this petition before Victoria's Secret signs their new paper contract in June. Urge them to stop supporting the destruction of our endangered forests.
Dear Leslie Wexner,
CEO of Limited Brands Owner of Victoria’s Secret

Right now, Victoria's Secret is no angel when it comes to forest destruction. It is shocking that Victoria's Secret sends out over a million catalogs a day – 395 million per year! And it is not very sexy to know that Victoria's Secret catalogs contain paper made from the endangered forests of the Canadian Boreal, one of the largest wilderness areas in the world, or that its paper use threatens the forests in the Southern US, one of our country’s biological treasures.

Victoria's Secret's paper contract is up for renewal in June. In order to be a responsible corporation, Victoria's Secret's new contract must stop sending endangered forests to our mailboxes and:

· End purchases from any company that is not identifying and halting logging in endangered forests in the Canadian Boreal

· Maximize post-consumer recycled content in catalogs (achieve 50% post-consumer recycled in five years);

· Ensure that all suppliers are shifting to Forest Stewardship Council certification;

· End the use of any forest products sourced from other endangered forests, such as key areas of the Southern U.S.

Victoria's Secret must change now. We hope you will see that when it comes to our last remaining endangered forests, less is not more.

Thank you,
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