Lyka the Blind Lioness Kept in a Rusty Cage

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Arthur Defensor Sr., Governor of Iloilo - Philippines
The young lioness, named Lyka, lies listless in a narrow, rusty cage. Born with an eye condition, the 5-year lion has deteriorated to the point where she even can't see the zoo visitors gawking at her enclosure.

Recent video footage of Lyka — blind, alone, and depressed in her tiny cage — is heartbreaking. Please sign and share to convince Maasin Zoo in the Philippines to send Lyka to a sanctuary and close this zoo of horrors.

The zoo has said that Lyka receives "adequate" food and care but visitors — and photos — tell a different story. One woman told the Mirror that Lyka looked weak and unhealthy, saying "I felt so sorry for her … She looks so neglected and depressed." She said zoo staff had called Lyka a "breeding mistake."

Visitors were also quoted as saying that other animals near Lyka were also in very poor health and living in extremely unhealthy conditions. Maasin Zoo is government-funded but staff have said that they don't have enough money to improve the enclosures or properly care for the animals.

It's unacceptable that Lyka and other animals at the Maasin Zoo continue to suffer from neglect in captivity while zoo officials and government do nothing.

That's why Lyka needs your help right now! Please sign the petition to call on the Governor of Iloilo to immediately close the Maasin Zoo and free Lyka to a sanctuary.
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