US Congress: Promote Electric Cars in the United States

France has bet big on green energy. As President Trump pins his hopes on energy technology from the 20th century like petroleum and coal, the European nation has decided to look forward. Last week, they pledged to ban all gas and diesel cars in less than 25 years , aiming to be carbon neutral by 2050.

“We want to demonstrate that fighting against climate change can lead to an improvement of French people’s daily lives.” Said environment minister Nicolas Hulot.

France isn’t the only entity moving the ball forward when it comes to sound green policy. Even automakers are leading the charge. Chinese automaker Volvo has promised to build only hybrid and electric cars by 2019. VW will produce 1 million electric cars per year by 2020 and even Ford has committed to offering the F-150 and Mustang as hybrids by the same year.

Unfortunately, our nation’s current policy to backpedal into high emission energy puts America in danger. High carbon emissions means Americans will continue to breath filthy air, the ice caps will go on melting and our country will remain dependent on foreign oil.

With electric cars expected to make up more than 50% of the market in less than three decades, it is important that our government  promotes - rather than demonizes - good energy policy. Neglecting to do so could be disastrous.

Let’s tell Congress we want to follow in France’s footsteps. Sign the petition and ask to Congress ban gas fueled cars by 2040. If France can do it, so can we!

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