Demand the Government Makes Surveillance Cameras Compulsory in all Piggeries and Abattoirs to Help Stop Animal Cruelty

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources, MP Barnaby Joyce

Every few weeks in Australia, reports emerge in the media of pigs being abused on farms and in abattoirs.

Sadly, Animal Liberation NSW says footage of pigs being abused at a piggery was anonymously sent to them recently, according to a report on

The RSPCA in South Australia has confirmed investigations are now underway into the film footage.

However, an Animal Liberation spokesperson stated in the report that cruelty is 'standard industry practice'. The footage shows pigs being kicked, beaten and ridden while being artificially inseminated while there are sick and dying pigs inside the shed.

This is a disgrace - it must be stopped! Will you join me in demanding the Federal Government makes surveillance cameras compulsory in all Australia piggeries and abattoirs to help stop animal cruelty?

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