Have Direct TV Carry the Classic Arts Showcase Channel

Petition Direct TV to air the Classic Arts Showcase Channel. CAS was created to develop a new audience for the cultural arts by providing an inspirational array of performing arts clips 24 hours a day free of charge. CAS is a philanthropic gift to the nation and designed to benefit local cultural organizations develop audience.
Classic Arts Showcase was created by the Lloyd E. Rigler - Lawrence E. Deutsch Foundation as a monumental audience development project.

CAS is a free cable television program designed to bring the classic arts experience to the largest audience possible by providing video clips of the arts in hopes that we may tempt the viewer to go out and feast from the buffet of arts available in his/her community.

The programming can best be described as "Classic MTV". The spectrum of classic arts disciplines we air includes video samplings of animation, architectural art, ballet, chamber and choral music, dance, folk art, museum art, musical theater, opera, orchestral, recital, solo instrumental. solo vocal, and theatrical performances, as well as classic film and archival documentaries, and more.

Classic Arts Showcase is on the air 24-hours from Satellite Galaxy 1R Transponder 5, covering most of North and South America (Channels and Schedules). We're available FREE of charge.

Direct TV must provide Public Interest channels to its subscribers, and we have applied to be one of these channels, but we need your help. If you feel that the arts need a permanent presence on television for the inspiration and education of children and adults alike, then sign this petition.

Together we can keep the arts alive!
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