Mothers Against Pedophiles

Pedophilia is a horrendous crime and what is worse is when a repeat offender (expected to reoffend) is allowed to exist within mainstream society. How can this be?
Locally (Kelowna, BC), we have had a scenario with a repeat offender of pedophilia (and as relayed to the media, one who had a high likelihood of re-offending). Shaun Joshua Deacon is allowed to reside 2 blocks away from a mall and 4 blocks away from a local elementary school and there was ZERO notification to the school, public and/or parents. There is an apparent "handler/supervisor" who is with Mr. Deacon 12 hours out of the day at a cost of $90,000/yr for the next 10 years (paid for by you and I). This is over and above the costs related to house him and counsel for him. Mr. Deacon should not be out of incarceration due to his numerous (wait..let me say this again NUMEROUS) convictions. Initially, when this came to light, Mr. Deacons' picture had not even been released nor was he listed on the dangerous sex offenders list. How can this be allowed?? We are grievously concerned that similar scenarios are happening in other communities. As a community we must come together to protect our children. It is the responsibility of police, the courts, Corrections Canada and everyone else involved in indicting these offenders, to inform parents and schools as to their identities. For further information, please follow up at the following (the Kelowna Daily Courier). 
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