Save the Rusty Patched Bumblebee!

With bee populations dying out nationwide, it is crucial to protect these precious pollinators as soon as possible. One rare species, the rusty patched bumblebee, is the first bee to be formally considered for an endangered listing in the continental United States.

The rusty patched bumblebee was once common in upper Midwest and Northeastern states, but its numbers have declined over 90 percent since the late '90s. The Fish and Wildlife Service cites habitat loss, climate change, pesticide use and disease as possible reasons for the species' decline.

Adding the rusty patched bumblebee to the endangered list will help curb some of the factors that harm all bee species nationwide. It will also set an important precedent for considering other types of bees for endangered status.

Please sign the petition to urge Fish and Wildlife to add the rusty patched bumblebee to the endangered species list!

Thank you for taking inititiative to consider the rusty patched bumblebee for endangered species protections. With bee populations dying out nationwide, it is crucial to protect these precious pollinators as soon as possible.

Adding the rusty patched bumblebee to the endangered list will help curb some of the factors that harm all bee species nationwide, including pesticide use, pollution and habitat loss. It will also set an important precedent for considering other types of bees for endangered status.

I respectfully urge you to add the rusty patched bumblebee to the endangered species list! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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