Sign this petition to help draft Chris Matthews--the independent, popular and common-sense television newsman--to run against Rick Santorum (R-PA) for US Senate in 2006!
Dear Mr. Matthews:

Rick Santorum's extremist views are completely out of step with mainstream Pennsylvanians. We are concerned that his continued ascension of power is a growing and serious threat to the ideals of most Pennsylvanians, and most Americans. We also realize that he will be difficult to beat in 2006 because he is beholden to Big Business and enjoys all the privileges of incumbency, including franking privileges and the "bully pulpit" of a US Senator.

That is why we are writing to you. We will not stand by and accept "politics as usual" when it comes to candidate selection in this critical race. We are asking you to take on Rick Santorum as a candidate for US Senate, representing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in 2006.

Unlike other potential candidates, you have name recognition and an independent, clear, rational progressive voice. You have charm and intelligence and the unique ability to capture the public imagination. You have great depth of experience. You are a Philadelphia native with a bully pulpit of your own!

Mr. Matthews, you are in a unique position to help our country, and we will harness all of our energies and resources to support you. We ask that you respectfully consider our request.

The Undersigned,
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