A change in the dog ordinance from having 10 dogs and/or cats per household to having only 3 has been suggested. Anyone having 4 or more dogs or cats, or a combination of, totalling more than 3, be fined $500 dollars DAILY. Additionally, the defination of the word "kennel" will be changed to facilitate closing of Gus' s Friends for Animal Welfare. It was "suggested" house to house search, by the police department, for animals might be used in order to see how many animals a person owned. It was also "suggested" it be based on complaints. Both a violation of citizen rights. According to current law, these actions violate search procedures without a court order. It was stated it was unknown as to how it would be enforced, exactly, leaving the matter open to a wide range of abuse of citizen's rights. It was also stated anyone having over 3 dogs and/or cats might have to "put them down" in order to be in compliance, another direct violation of citizens rights.
Gus' s Friends has been in operation for 3 years in their presnt location at 1420 Tilford, with the City's full knowledge, and no complaints were made concerning them until one man complained he "couldn't sell his house!" located next to the rescue, because of all the barking and odor. Ralls is located in one of the two most impoverishd counties in Texas. The asking price for the house in question is set at $90,000, well above the going rate for houses in the neighborhood. He is demanding Gus' Friends be closed and the limitation on the number of pets be implemented.
In 3 years, Gus' s Friends has adopted 65 animals as far away from the area as Colorado Springs Colorado, Tyler Texas, and Arlington Texas working through Petsmart Charities and Tractor Supply adoption events, as well as with several National adoption wbsites. Only 5 have remained in the immediate area.They have held 6 vaccination, microchip, and flea/tick dip clinics in the towns of Ralls, Lorenzo, and Floydada. Vaccinations were given at a much lower rate than those in a vet's office. Over 300 microchips were inserted, also at the greatly reduced price of $15, including registration. Gus' s Friends is an asset to the community and surrounding area and should be treated as such.
We, pray citizens will join us in signing this petition to OPPOSE this change and the distruction of Gus' s Friends for Animal Welfare. Your rights as citizens and your pet's lives depend on it!
Signers of this petition are protesting three things. #1., they are voicing their opposition to the city's plan to lower the number of pets allowed per family from 10 to 3. #2., They are protesting changing the meaningv of the word "kennel" to facilitate the closing of Gus' s Friends for Anilmal Welfare. And #3., they are voicing their desire that Gus' s Friends be allowed to continue the good work. they are doing for the community and the county in their animql rescue efforts. They are stating Gus' s Friends should not continue to be harrassed by Forrest Griffin, the City of Ralls, it's employees, or it's agents.