Help Stop the Frack Attack

The oil and gas industry is targeting our national forests and wildlife refuges as the next frontier in their reckless fracking boom. The consequences for our public lands could be devastating.

Instead of protecting our natural heritage and its clean water supplies, the Obama Administration is preparing to step aside and let fracking run roughshod over them.

Tell President Obama to rein in Big Oil & Gas by imposing a fracking moratorium on all federal lands.

By adding your name, you'll be joining an all-out campaign to stop the fracking juggernaut from invading our last wild places, threatening our drinking water supplies and devastating more communities across the country.

Join us by signing this petition to President Obama urging him to impose a fracking moratorium on all federal lands!
Dear President Obama,

Subject: Impose a fracking moratorium on all federal lands

The fracking boom has taken a devastating toll on communities across our country, as oil and gas companies poison our rivers, pollute our air, trample our rights and endanger the health of our families. I am outraged that your administration has failed to rein in this out-of-control industry. And now, your Bureau of Land Management intends to stand aside and let fracking run amok on more public lands — as well as private lands — from coast to coast.

You have pledged that our health and environment would not be put at risk by energy development. Today, I call on you to make good on that promise by imposing a fracking moratorium on all federal lands — one that will last until you protect us from the excesses of the oil and gas industry.

With one stroke of your pen, you can safeguard our natural heritage, protect clean drinking water for millions and shield communities from California to Virginia that sit on public oil and gas reserves.

Please put people before polluters by reining in a fracking industry that is running roughshod over America. And move our nation beyond all fossil fuels as rapidly as possible, toward a better future based on 100% clean energy that will not disrupt our climate or destroy our environment.

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