Urge the Government to End Cruel Primate Research and Allow Freedom of Information Papers to be Released about Past Experiments

Secret medical experiments that have been described as 'Frankenstein-like' are being conducted on primates in Sydney hospitals and universities, according to a report on smh.com.au

Experiments are reported to have included an interspecies kidney transplant from a pig to a baboon, which is alleged to have been covered-up.

The article goes on to report: "Some of the experiments that have come to light include marmosets being used at the University of Sydney to take electrophysiological readings from their brains before they were killed with an overdose and then had their eyes removed so their retinas could be dissected.

"In a separate experiment on pregnant baboons, a mother was killed by accident leaving an orphaned baby, and another baby baboon died as a result of the testing."

The experiments have been funded using taxes raised from the general public.

The report states: "Attempts by Fairfax Media to gain information including photos, video, and details of the life spans of some of the primates used in the experiments using freedom of information were blocked by NSW Health which said "there was an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information".

The public has a right to know where tax dollars are going - especially when primates are being subjected to scientific experiments that may be inhumane.

Will you join me in urging the NSW Government to end cruel primate research and allow Freedom of Information papers to be released about past experiments related to all scientific research conducted on primates across the state?

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