AMAZON. Stop selling ANGORA Rabbit fur products. You are supporting fur being ripped from the bodies of screaming rabbits.

Rabbits are being plucked alive for wool.  

Angora Rabbit fur is beautifully soft and long and because of this it is used in many garments and accessories. However, in order to acquire this fur the rabbit is subjected to enormous pain, suffering and abuse. The fur is ripped out from their skin, they scream out in agony, only for this process to be repeated time and time again.

Very Graphic Video showing the process of obtaining Angora Fur

Amazon are selling Angora Wool yarn, Angora wool socks, Angora back warming belts, Angora insoles, Angora knee supports, amongst other items.

Please sign this petition to ask Amazon to stop supporting this cruel and abusive practice and to remove all items containing Angora Fur from their websites.

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