Corporations Waste Water While Billions Face Starvation and Crop Failures. Demand Government Action Now!

Across the globe, we are facing a critical shortage of fresh water. Already, more than 2 billion people struggle to access clean drinking water, and over 3.6 billion lack basic sanitation. Without urgent action, by 2030 - in less than 6 years! - our demand for fresh water will outstrip the supply by 40%, endangering human life and devastating global food supplies.

This isn't a distant risk - it's an imminent crisis.

Yet while families and communities struggle, corporate giants continue to waste and pollute water at reckless levels. Let's fight for a world that values life over profit! Sign the petition to demand change now!

Our food production system, which sustains billions of people around the globe, relies on stable and abundant water resources. Yet, as water sources dry up, over half of our food production could collapse within the next 25 years. This is not a distant reality: this is within our lifetimes.

This means crops failing, livestock dying, and countless people going hungry.

The water shortage is being fueled by climate change, but it's being made worse by corporations. Because instead of trying to help, corporate giants continue to waste and pollute water at reckless levels while also contributing to ever-increasing carbon emissions. Did you know that 80% of the water used by corporate industries worldwide is not recycled? In particular, companies that focus on industrial agriculture and manufacturing squander vast amounts of water, fueled by $700 billion in agricultural subsidies that promote overuse and waste.

It's time to hold corporations accountable. We demand that world governments take action by cracking down on corporate water waste and pollution, and implementing strict regulations on industrial water use. This includes ending harmful subsidies that currently encourage corporations to overuse precious fresh water supplies!

Together, we can create a future where no one is denied their right to safe water and secure food sources. Join us in urging global leaders to take action. Sign this petition and pledge to support policies that prioritize human rights, environmental conservation, and fair access to fresh water.
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