Help save Guardian, the leader of the Lunas pack, they want too stop releasing grey wolves in New Mexico, just the beginning of ending their existence!!

  • av: Linda Weddington
  • mottagare: The U.S Fish and Wildlife Federation, the state of New Mexico

The state of New Mexico is trying too trap and possibly kill Guardian, the leader of the Lunas pack, after his babies are born. They are also trying too get permission too stop the release of Lobos, (grey wolves) out in the wilderness. If they succeed we will be looking at the extinction of the grey wolves. We need too be the voice of these beautiful animals, and try too put a stop up this happening. This is just the beginning of them making wolves no longer roam our land!!!!

Just like pitBulls have gotten, so have the wolves of being mean and dangerous animals. There is NO written documentation stating a wolf has ever hurt or killed a human being!!!

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