Protect Sea Turtles From Harmful Fishing Practices

  • av:
  • mottagare: Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Division, NMFS
The population of critically endangered leatherback sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean has plummeted over 90% in the past few decades, primarily due to sea turtles drowning in industrial longline and gillnet fisheries.

Recently, several prominent conservation organizations petitioned the government to designate the waters off the coast of California and Oregon as critical habitat for leatherbacks under the Endangered Species Act.

We have until February 26th to submit official comments in support of this critical habitat designation. This designation would be a vital first step in protecting these ancient giants from the dangerous fishing practices that threaten to drive them to extinction.

Let the National Marine Fisheries Service know you support designating critical habitat for endangered leatherback sea turtles!
Therese Conant, Chief,
Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Division
Office of Protected Resources, NMFS
1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910

I am writing to support the petition to designate critical habitat for the leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) in Pacific Ocean waters off of California and Oregon.

The population of leatherback sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean has declined by 90% in the past three decades, primarily due to drowning in industrial longline and gillnet fisheries
targeting swordfish, sharks and tunas. Designating the Pacific Leatherback Conservation Area as critical habitat is an important first step toward the ultimate recovery of the species.

Research shows that the rich waters off the coast of California and Oregon are one of the most important foraging areas for the critically endangered leatherback sea turtles. Leatherback sea turtles in the Atlantic Ocean have benefited greatly from critical habitat designation around the U.S. Virgin Islands. With the Pacific Ocean population in dramatic decline, it is time to designate critical habitat in the Pacific.


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