Take Action to Prevent Pediatric HIV/AIDS Around the World

December 1 was World AIDS Day, yet children with HIV/AIDS continue to be ignored across the globe. But you can help. Join the movement to prevent pediatric AIDS.

Ninety percent of the 2.3 million HIV-positive children living around the world contracted HIV from their mothers in the womb, at birth, or while breast-feeding.

There are simple and effective medicines available to significantly reduce the likelihood that a mother will pass HIV onto her baby. Unfortunately, this lifesaving care is not reaching most women and children in resource-poor countries. As a consequence, 1,500 children contract HIV every day.

This is simply unacceptable. As a global community, we must do more to help HIV-positive moms and their infants. Congress must commit resources and expand services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

Don’t let kids get left behind in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Tell Congress to protect children on World AIDS Day and take action to prevent pediatric AIDS. Send your message today!

Dear Senator/Representative [Last Name],

Congress has the means to eradicate HIV/AIDS in infants and children. Yet, children across the globe continue to suffer from AIDS. I urge you to make women and children living with HIV/AIDS an urgent priority and commit to providing medical services to 80 percent of pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV as part of the reauthorization of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

Ninety percent of the 2.3 million HIV-positive children living around the world contracted HIV from their mothers in the womb, at birth, or while breast-feeding. There are simple and effective medicines available to significantly reduce the likelihood that a mother will pass HIV onto her baby. In fact, the United States has experienced great success in significantly reducing the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Unfortunately, lifesaving care is not reaching most women and children in resource-poor countries -- less than 10 percent of pregnant mothers have access to the medical services that could help prevent them from transmitting HIV. As a consequence, 1,500 children contract HIV every day.

Congress must commit resources and expand services to prevent pediatric HIV/AIDS through mother-to-child transmission. I urge you to support an 80 percent target to prevent mother-to-child transmission and make this a priority in PEPFAR reauthorization.

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