Support contemporary Cuban salsa in the US! Demand timba on your radio station!

We urge NYC radio stations La Mega, Latino Mix, Amor FM, and WBAI to include contemporary Cuban salsa (known as timba) in their playlists.
For more than a decade, timba has filled the musical landscape of
Cuba. Its wondrously complicated rhythms and collage of musical
styles has also managed to find a home in various corners of the
globe, as disparate as Stockholm, Sweden and San Francisco,
California. Beyond bringing dancers to their feet, timba's lyrics
also unveil the many layers of Cuban popular life, offer musings on
the complexities of love, and champion aspects of Santería that have
previously received little acknowledgement. Unfortunately, it has
not been played widely on New York City radio stations.

But what exactly is timba? Also known as "salsa cubana," timba's
beginnings can be traced to groups NG La Banda and Los Van Van, and
it has evolved into a masterful combination of Cuban son, songo,
jazz, hip-hop, salsa, and funk. Popular bands like Paulito FG,
Manolín, La Charanga Habanera, Pupy y Los Que Son Son, Bamboleo, and
Azúcar Negra continue the tradition, furthering a veritable explosion
of talent and leaving behind an indelible mark on the history of
Cuban AND Latin music.

Sadly, though, timba has not received the attention it deserves in
the United States. One could spend hours debating the reasons for
this, most of which would likely involve the U.S. embargo, but would
also include the closed salsa market long dominated by Puerto Rican
and New York salsa. Politics aside, however, timba continues to be a
vibrant and important contribution to Latin music, and I urge you to
add it to your radio station's playlist.
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