Birmingham Covington School wants to help save the Honey Bees.

Did you know that the honey bee faces extinction?  Our 5/6 class has taken the Disney Planet Challenge to make an impact on our planet and help save the honey bees from extinction. 

Our goal  with the help of local bee keepers is to create our own hives and re-pollinate Birmingham, MI in Spring of 2012.

Please sign our petition to show your support of our efforts and grow more awareness of the threat to the honey bee.

Visit us at: to see our progress!
Did you know that the honey bee faces extinction?  Our 5/6 class has taken the Disney Planet Challenge to make an impact on our planet and help save the honey bees from extinction. 

Our goal  with the help of local bee keepers is to create our own hives and re-pollinate Birmingham, MI in Spring of 2012.

Please sign our petition to show your support of our efforts and grow more awareness of the threat to the honey bee.
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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