This Farm Doesn't Just Slaughter Pigs, They Torture Them

Fir Tree pig farm has been caught red-handed. In an undercover video taken by an animal rights group, several of their employees were filmed abusing animals.

The video shows scenes of heartless abuse and neglect — from distressed pigs with scars and pulsating infections to unabashed cruelty on the part of the farm workers. In various scenes several farm workers are seen kicking the swine or jabbing them mercilessly with pick forks.

The farm has since claimed they were shocked that such abuse was happening at their facility and fired the four abusers caught on film.

But while the employees, were fired, where is the accountability for the farm owners and managers who have allowed this type of behavior to take place?

The employees were taught to treat animals this way, and if not taught, they were allowed to do so by the owners and managers who oversaw their daily duties. These cases always end in the lowest ranking employees being punished while management continues to get off scot-free. It has to stop.

Please sign the petition and ask Lincolnshire officials to open up an investigation into the Fir Tree pig farm and find out who is really responsible for a work culture that condones such egregious animal abuse.
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