Trump Posted a Video Showing President Biden Bound and Tied Up, Captive in the Back of a Truck. Investigate This as a Threat!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: The Federal Bureau of Investigation
In another sickening display of support for violence, Trump posted a video on Truth Social that may have been a direct threat to President Biden's safety. The disgraced ex-president took to the internet to post a video of a truck that had a life-size image of president Biden on the back -- hog-tied and lying in the truck bed.

Some sources even say the image of the president showed him gagged and possibly with a bullet hole in his head.

Sign the petition demanding that the FBI investigate this post as a potential threat to Joe Biden's life!

We know from experience that Donald Trump holds no regard for the safety of others. He had no problem encouraging an angry mob to storm the Capitol Building on January 6th, risking the lives of lawmakers, police officers, and anyone who stood in the way of his bogus claims that the election was stolen.

His speeches on various campaign trails have been fraught with violent rhetoric. During his first campaign in 2016, he claimed he could shoot somebody and it wouldn't lose him any votes. Just this year, at an event for conservative Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, he spoke about imposing tariffs on Chinese-made cars and claimed that if he himself doesn't get elected, " it's going to be a bloodbath."

Trump's words and actions have real consequences, and this horrifying post on Truth Social must be treated accordingly. According to Andrew Weismann, who served as a prosecutor under Robert Mueller, threatening the current president is a felony (under US 18 code Section 871). If this was a true threat to Biden's safety, it would be a violation of Trump's probation -- and could send him back into custody, as well as add onto his laundry list of charges against him.

We cannot let Trump continue to get away with encouraging, inciting, and spreading violence -- the very fabric of our democracy depends on it. Join us in calling on the FBI to investigate this post as a real threat!

Image Credit: "Donald Trump" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
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