Urge NC to reject the money grab from Duke Energy!

Duke Energy has a plan to raise our energy bills an average of $180 in the first year of three years of rate increases. If approved by the North Carolina Utilities Commission, Duke Energy's rate increase will force North Carolinians to pay for outdated dirty energy projects that don't align with our state's carbon reduction goals. Furthermore, it would unfairly burden our communities already struggling with inflationary costs, including older residents on fixed incomes, working class families, and small businesses.

Duke's request for a higher guaranteed profit (return on equity) in this plan is a cynical cash grab that would transfer wealth from working people directly into the pocketbooks of affluent investors and company executives.

We can't afford to cover the cost of Duke Energy's outdated dirty energy investments. Add your name to our petition today urging North Carolina to reject this money grab from Duke Energy!
We urge the NC Utilities Commission (NCUC) to reject Duke Energy's proposed three-year rate increase. This plan would force ratepayers to fund outdated dirty energy projects that do not align with NC's carbon reduction goals. Duke Energy's demand for an increase in guaranteed profits for shareholders is unacceptable and comes at the expense of North Carolinians struggling to achieve economic security.

The NCUC should reject this plan and instead require that Duke Energy's rates do not overburden low- and moderate-income ratepayers and are tied to decarbonization goals, energy efficiency, and expanded distributed renewable energy resources.

Thank you.
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