Help homeless people like Mary find a place to receive love and have hope.

Imagine having to sell everything you had just to pay your rent before running out of options and finding yourself on the street.

That's the reality Mary was facing after she had health problems and lost her job. Scared, lonely and confused, she began looking for help. She needed somewhere to turn. Someone to help.

Mary's story is, unfortunately, all too common in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. But luckily for her, she found First United.

She was able to have a bed and safe place to sleep and began working with a First United caseworker.

"She took me everywhere," Mary says of her caseworker. "She took me to my doctor's appointment, she took me to the clinic, she took me to welfare, she was there for the meeting. She gave me the tools to get back on my feet."

Mary is just one of 500 community members who benefit from advocacy, housing, healing and hospitality, in a community space that supports and celebrates the inherent strengths of all people, of all walks of life every day.

You can stand up for people like Mary and stand with First United to make sure people experiencing homelessness and poverty in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside have a place to belong, receive love, and have hope.
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